Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Guten tag. My name is Karlheinz Stockhausen. I was born on August 22nd 1928 in Cologne, Germany. I had a very unhappy childhood. My mom had a few mental problems and had to be institutionalized. Then a few months after that my brother died. And then, my dad remarried to our HOUSEKEEPER! I did NOT like her at ALL. I found out my mom died as a result of leukemia.... but I have a hunch that she was a victim of the Nazi law that invalids were to be ridden of. My dad went to war and then never returned. I myself acted as a stretcher-carrier during the war.
I composed over 300 pieces in my life. I liked to experiment with electronic sounds. Some of my pieces were very complicated.
Unfortunately I died on December 5th, 2005.
Helikopter String Quartett: 1992

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